Tuesday 30 January 2018

Reading Program 2018 - Some important things to note

In Room 6 our reading program is largely based around personal reading books that the students are choosing to read. We then work with students to think deeply about their books, to learn from them, and to use what they are reading to help them with their writing and in other areas of their learning. Because students are given a lot of independence and choice there are also these firm expectations:

-Students will always be required to have a novel or non-fiction text they're reading, they are expected to read every day at school and at home. 
-They are expected to complete books regularly and to record everything they read in a reading logbook (already set up in their reading book). 
-Once they've completed a book a student will be expected to regularly write a 'Book Letter' (see ideas below) 
- Students are also expected to complete a 'Book Talk' to the class, sharing from a book they've recently enjoyed, promoting it for others to read and enjoy.

We will be working closely with students to develop their reading habits and their ability to develop this level of thinking about books. We'll also be supporting students to find texts that they enjoy and that are at the appropriate reading level for them.

Ideas for Book Letters – Some paragraph starters

A book letter is expected to be between one and two pages. It should be written clearly in paragraphs, with a new paragraph for each of the ideas you choose from the list of ideas below.

·      I was surprised when/angry about/satisfied with/moved by…

·      I liked the way the author…

·      I noticed how the author…

·      I don’t understand/didn’t like how the author…

·      If I were the author I would have…

·      I’d compare this author to…

·      This book reminded me of…

·      The main character…

·      The character development…

·      The structure of this book…

·      The climax of the plot…

·      The resolution of the main character’s problem…

·      The genre of this book…

·      I’d say some the most important them/message in this book is…

·      I wish that…

·      I didn’t agree…

·      I rate this book __ out of ten,  because…

àI was struck by/interested by/convinced by/particularly enjoyed this passage… because…

àHow do the themes and messages in this book connect to our school values and what we have learned in RE?

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