Thursday 15 September 2016

Final Week of Term

Well done all of you on a wonderful Term 3. It's been very busy and full of different things. I hope you've all enjoyed it, learnt lots, and done some good thinking. We won't have any formal homework this week but here are some things to remember for this final week of term:

-Eisteddfod Singing = Will be happening in class on Mon and Tues. Be prepared. The school Eisteddfod assembly will be on Thurs at 1pm.

-Musical practices are happening this week, each day from 10:30-12:45. Keep practicing!

-Swimming on Tues morning as usual, 9am.

-Athletics on Monday and Wed afternoon, 2.10 -2.50pm. Bring your PE gear if you want to.

-River monitoring group will be out from 11:30am until 3:00pm with Mr Hogue.

-Technology at The Terrace on Friday 23rd September.

-Literature Circles Reading Groups all meeting on Thurs. You may need to do some of your own reading and activities at home as well as at school as we have a busy week ahead.

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