Tuesday 27 January 2015

Welcome to Room Six!

Wednesday Jan 28th

Welcome everyone to Room 6 for 2015. Welcome back to the Year 8’s, I’m looking forward to working with you as the seniors at St Gerards. An extra special welcome to the Year 7’s, you’re a great bunch and we have a great year ahead of us!!
I’ve had an excellent summer holiday full of fun and adventures around the South Island with family and friends, I’m hoping you’ve all had loads of fun also. Below is a few notices.

Sunhats - Well done nearly everyone for having your sun hats at school already. Those who didn't have them here today please bring them as soon as possible, you all know how important this is at this time of year.

Stationary - Most people have already sorted their stationary. Thanks for doing this so well and being so organised. Those who have taken books home to cover them please make sure they're back to school immediately thanks.

Homework - Most week's Room 6 students will have several different homework activities which could include Spelling, Current Events, Maths, Reading and/or a small task relating to our current Topic. Coming back to school’s often a bit of a shock so I don’t want to pile on too much homework straight away! Here’s this week’s task, due on Monday morning (Feb 2nd), if you’re clever then get it done before the weekend and hand it in early!

Year Sevens

Please write a letter to me introducing yourself. I’d be expecting roughly a page, but you might write more. You could tell me about the things you like doing, your strengths, your weaknesses, your fears or worries, your family, friends, pets, family history, goals…anything at all! I really want to get to know you and look forward to reading these letters.

Year Eights

Please write a letter to me telling me firstly about some of your best memories over your previous years at St Gerards. Secondly I’d like you to take some time to think and then write about what you want to do this year to really make the most of your final year here at St Gerards. Thirdly I want you to tell me what you think you can contribute as a Year 8, and finally what you think is most important for you to work on this year to get ready for high school.

Write on an A4 piece of refill and put it in the homework box in Room 6 on Monday morning before school.

Have a great week!

Mr Yeoman

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