Thursday, 28 March 2019

Book Letters in Room 1 - Due Fri April 5th

We have discussed throughout this term that students have been expected to be reading their own chapter book regularly. By Friday April 5th students are required to have written me a letter, showing some deep thinking around one of the books they have completed. I always love hearing about the books students have been reading, and the level of thinking that is done. This task is about thinking about writing, in order that we can learn from books, become better writers ourselves, and enjoy books to the full! Below are some prompts and expectations to help students. There will be class time and teacher support to work on this, some homework time is probably required by most also.

Ideas for Book Letters – Some paragraph starters

A book letter is expected to be between one and two pages. It should be written clearly in paragraphs, with a new paragraph for each of the ideas you choose from the list of ideas below.

  • I was surprised when/angry about/satisfied with/moved by…

  • I liked the way the author…

  • I noticed how the author…

  • I don’t understand/didn’t like how the author…

  • If I were the author I would have…

  • I’d compare this author to…

  • This book reminded me of…

  • The main character…

  • The character development…

  • The structure of this book…

  • The climax of the plot…

  • The resolution of the main character’s problem…

  • The genre of this book…

  • I’d say some the most important them/message in this book is…

  • I wish that…

  • I didn’t agree…

  • I rate this book __ out of ten,  because…

🡪I was struck by/interested by/convinced by/particularly enjoyed this passage… because…

🡪How do the themes and messages in this book connect to our school values and what we have learned in RE?

Tautuku Camp - Parent helpers needed

NOTE: A paper copy of this notice will come home with all students today. Please return asap.

Tautuku Camp
Tues 11th - Fri 14th June 2019

We are now planning towards our Tautuku camp in Week 7 of Term 2. This is an exciting new opportunity for our Year 7-8s. Given that it is less than a 3 hour drive away the area is incredibly different from Central Otago, with high rainfall, wild beaches, lush native forests and lagoons to explore.

As always with school camps we will need parent helpers. More information regarding camp will follow early in Term 2, as well as a meeting for all those parents coming. For now we need to confirm who will come to help. If you would like to come and help on this camp can you please fill out the form below and return it to Mr Yeoman asap. I would like to confirm with our parents before the end of Term 2 so people can book their annual leave.

Many thanks

Mr Yeoman


I _________________________(name) would like to come and help on the Tautuku camp.

I can / cannot (circle one) take a vehicle that can seat ___ (write number) of students.

I can / cannot (circle one) provide a covered trailer (or covered ute) for carrying gear.

I can / cannot (circle one) help with organising the food and cooking.

Eisteddfod Scripture Reading Marking Sheet

Scripture Reading  Eisteddfod
*  Using scripture, recite/perform a chosen scripture making meaning clear by using appropriate speech and delivery.

Name:  __________________________         Title: _________________________________

Introduction (explain the meaning, reason for choice, personal response, other facts and information)
Preparation (well organised, on time, obviously well practiced, and resources well prepared in advance)
Diction (consistently speaking clearly, easily understood, good projection/volume of voice)
Audience suitability (enjoyable for a range of audiences, entertaining, thoughtful, appropriate length, engaging)
Overall Presentation (confidently presented, good body language, engages with audience, captures and holds attention, concludes well)


Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Eisteddfod Scripture Reading Challenge 2019 - Instructions

  • Your scripture reading can be anything you like from the bible, eg. a parable, a psalm, a reading from the Gospels, an Old or New Testament story.

  • Introductory speech –Y7/8: 1 minute (times are approximate). This is a time to use the main ideas or theme of your scripture reading to make up a small speech explaining what the reading means to you, without retelling the reading – ie. ‘What the story of the Last Supper tells/demonstrates/means to me is ......

  • Planning and marking - Remember as you prepare to look at the marking schedule so that you do exactly what is expected of you so that you score as highly as you are capable of! Give it everything and do your best!

  • Timeline – Your Eisteddfod Scripture reading must be ready to present to the class on Thurs 4th April.

-       Whole school eisteddfods will be on Monday 8th April

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

PALs training with Sport Otago

Physical Activity Leaders Training (PALs)

Who: All our school senior leaders. Ana, Cait, Sully, Hannah, Liv, Mayce, Libby, Imojen, Millie, Grainne, Kayla, Thomas, Mika.

What: Sport Otago are running an training event for our school leaders

When: Thurs 28th March, 9:30am - 12:30pm

Where: Molyneux stadium, we will walk there together from school.

Bring: Wear PE gear, bring a water bottle and morning tea.

Notices and homework for this week - Term One Week Eight

Kia ora everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your three day weekend, it was a treat to have a mid-term break. Please see all the notices and important events for the next few days.

Wed 27th March
-Census at school, completed online, please have your measurements and journal completed and at school ready to complete the online census form.

Thurs 28th March
-Physical Activity Leaders (PALs) training for all senior leaders (see separate post to see if you're involved - those involved have all been shared a notice to your gmail accounts).

-Enviro group native seed collection field trip 3-5pm. Please bring walking shoes, sunhat, a rain jacket, water bottle, snacks and any other appropriate clothing for a walk in the hills. You will need to arrange to get home from school afterwards. We are still awaiting permission to access the land but as long as we receive this the trip will go ahead so let's plan for it!

Fri 29th March
-Dunstan Zone triathlon
-Technology at The Terrace

-See last week's blog post for a full list of Must Do learning tasks.
-In addition to this I remind everyone that by the end of next week I expect a Book Letter from you all. You should all now have a worksheet that helps you in your planning for this. It is essential that everyone be reading regularly each day in order to continue improving your reading, enjoying your reading, and have material to share with me in your letter. I look forward to reading your letters and hearing what you've been reading about!

Thanks everyone, make the most of your week and enjoy your learning.

Kia ora

Mr Yeoman

Monday, 25 March 2019

Library Books

Hi everyone. It has been three weeks since our last library trip. Unfortunately we don't have time this week to visit the public library. If you have books due can you please renew them online, or drop them back into the library. If you've finished your book and are needing a new one please have a look at the great selection in our class library, or make your own visit to the library.
Thanks and apologies.
Mr Yeoman

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Notices, Learning Tasks and Events coming up this week - Week Seven

Sorry for the lateness of this week's blog, I was away on Monday and got out of routine. Anyway, here are some important happenings in what is left of this week:

Thurs 21st March
-Triathlon. Please see the last two copies of the school newsletter for all the important information.

Fri 22nd March
-School assembly, all are welcome to join us.
-'Colour your day' mufti day in support of the Muslim community and those effected by the tragic events of last Friday.

On Friday we will join lots of other schools throughout NZ and remember those who lost their lives tragically last Friday. Wear bright clothing (red is the least culturally appropriate colour from the perspective of the Muslim community)
Please bring a gold coin donation.

Monday 25th
- Holiday! Otago Anniversary day. Enjoy the long weekend!

With lots of other activities going on at present we have a few less Must Do learning tasks, these will be added to next week.
-READING: School journal reading completed, follow up activity completed on Climate Change topic. These must be complete by Fri 22nd so that you are ready to share with your group and receive new reading material.
-MATHS: You all have new mathletics tasks assigned, our focus now is graphing and the presentation of data.
-CENSUS AT SCHOOL: You all have measurements to complete at school and your measurements data card to fill in. You also have a journal to complete every evening before we take the online survey next Wednesday.
-WRITING: Your 'Get NZ Writing' poems must be published and on display in Room 1. These must be completed by Thurs 21st, once these are complete we will complete our postcard poems that will be sent to our partner school.

Lots of interesting learning going on!

Ngā mihi

Mr Yeoman

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Week Six notices, Learning Tasks and Homework

Hi team. We're into Week Six of the term already! Let's make it another good week for everyone and get stuck into learning and enjoying school together. Here's some important notices for the coming week:

Wed 13th March
-Vege Garden for some students

Thurs 14th March
-Mrs Tehuia-Holmes in Rm 1.
-Must Do Learning tasks completed by beginning of school day.

Friday 15th March
-Technology at The Terrace. Please bring the clothing and equipment required.

We are into the second week of our current tasks, which means that we don't have long left for completion. You will definitely need to use some homework time to complete these to your best standard. It is also expected that everyone is reading a chapter book/novel for at least 20mins each evening. The Must Do Learning tasks are outlined in last week's blog post.

Ness has informed me that Sticks 'n' Stones would like all students/families to complete an enrolment form this year. This is a homework task to be completed by students and caregivers together. Below is the link to the google sheet

Sticks 'n' Stones enrolment form


Mr Yeoman

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Sticks 'n' Stones Feedback form

Kia ora Room 1 students. At the end of each Sticks 'n' Stones session Ness will usually ask you to fill in a feedback form. Here is the link you will need to use each time

I have also emailed you all this link


Mr Yeoman

Tracksuits - Please bring your tracksuit number

Hi everyone. We've had this request from Maggie Love:

 If you have a school tracksuit at home could you please find the number on the pants and jacket, and give this number to Chrissy in the office asap. School tracksuits cannot be issued until we have this from everyone who currently has a tracksuit.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Weekly notices, Must Do Learning tasks and homework

Kia ora Room 1. Welcome to Week Five of the term. Thanks to all those of you who worked hard and completed their Must Do tasks to the best of your ability at the end of last week, well done. A small number of people will need to ensure they're more organised over the coming weeks! Well done also to all of you for a great morning at the school swimming sports, it was awesome to see everyone giving their best, and thanks to our new house leaders who all put in a great effort to look after your houses and create a pumping atmosphere!

Here's some important notices for the week ahead:

Tues 5th March
-Walk and Wheel Week this week. Can you come to school using active transport? Try your best!
-Sicks 'n' Stones = First session with Vanessa Breen. Year 7s and 8s will have separate sessions this year.
-Public Library visit = It is three weeks since our last visit so your books are now due back, please have books ready to return or renew, and be prepared to issue new books. Remember it is expected that everyone will have a novel they are reading.

Wed 6th March
-Ash Wednesday = We will be holding a mass at 9am, all are most welcome to join us for this special occasion as we enter the season of Lent.
-Lookout Reserve volunteering = This is yet to be confirmed but we will probably be volunteering for 1-1.5 hours at Lookout Reserve with the group 'Keep Alexandra-Clyde Beautiful'. Please wear PE gear, if you have gardening gloves please bring them along. We could also do with some spades so please bring along if you have one.
-Walk and Wheel survey = Let's make an extra big effort to get to school using active transport today if it is possible for you to do so!

Fri 8th March
-Buddy Reading at 1:30pm, house leaders please be well organised to make these sessions run well.
-Assembly 2:10pm, all are welcome to come along.


1) Maths: Mathletics Statistics tasks.

2) Maths: Number Knowledge worksheet following on from your group workshops.

3) Maths: Statistics activities following on from your workshops.

4) Reading: Activity worksheets and presentations following on from group workshops.

5) Writing: Google form to be completed that I have sent you.

6) Writing: Poetry task to be completed after group workshop

7) Class Treaty: Signature art to be completed and form signed by student and caregivers

Enjoy your learning, make the most of it. If you are unsure of any of your learning or your tasks please ask a friend first of all, and if they can't help you then please see myself (Mr Yeoman), Mrs Conner, Mrs Gilbert or Mrs Nicholson. It is important that you ask for help sooner rather than later. Remember if it is hard for you then it is also an opportunity to learn!